What does a dream mean?
Well, Grandma Bobbie had her first baby dream...and guess what? We had a girl! But she was already six months old with long hair when she came out. And she talked a lot. Can you imagine OUR kid being a chatter box? I guess it would be good to have someone around to fill the silences.
Now most people have been predicting we'll have a boy. I must admit, there is a certain comfort that comes with having a boy. Most of my younger cousins are boys, both of our nephews are boys, there seems to be less trouble with adolescent boys. The list goes on. But, I guess we should consider that there's a 50% chance that there's a girl in there.
So, we'll find out in a couple of months whether my mom's dream is right. Right about it being a girl...not the other stuff because I'm not waiting til I am 15 months pregnant to deliver.
I'll go on the record saying that I'm predicting a girl.
and what's the deal with the picture?
I'm with Amber, I'm guessing girl. =) I am just so excited for y'all!!!
The picture is very close to my dream only she had more layers in her hair. She is lovely. :)
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