Monday, August 9, 2010


Plagiocephaly is the fancy term for flat head. It can often be caused by spending large amounts of time putting pressure on one area of the head. Kara has plagiocephaly.

We have been working hard to correct this over the past 2 months, but her little head only seems to be making modest progress at rounding out. So, we got to take an exciting journey to Texas Children's Hospital where Kara had an appointment with the neurosurgeon to get evaluated for a helmet.

She did a great job laying still while they scanned her head and took measurements. Here is a picture of the little head cover that she had to wear to hold down her curls while they did the scan.

The conclusion of the evaluation was that she probably won't need a helmet, but they don't want her on her back at all...including while she sleeps. This is bad news for us because she has preferred back sleeping (with a blanket over her face) since the day she was born.

This is a picture of how she typically sleeps. You can see her hand sticking out of the blanket on the left side.

This is going to be hard, but as you can see we are already making a little progress. Hopefully this will no longer be an issue soon.

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