Tuesday, March 29, 2011


We thought it would be fun to do some bluebonnet pictures with Kara this year. Here are a few that we enjoyed.









Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Accessorizing the outfit

This has been fun. Kara is an accessory girl. She likes hats, bows, shoes, and necklaces. There will be times in the middle of playing when she'll run off to her room and bring back whichever item suits her fancy. She tries to put them on herself, but usually can't work the mechanics. She has become better at asking for help.

Her favorite outfit is an accessory and nothing else. Naked time is super, but naked time with a necklace is even better.

My favorite is when she wants to wear shoes. She waddles up to me, taps the shoe with her fist (sign language for "shoe"), then sits down and sticks her foot in the air. I think she knows the drill.

Getting ready for a ride in her car with nothing but a necklace.
Proudly wearing her pink mocassins.

Kara's going for a more complicated look. She is experimenting with 3 bibs and a knit hat.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Pi Day

I think that when people make a big deal out of a holiday, it says a lot about them. Today, Lee was very enthusiastic about celebrating Pi Day. Yes, 3.14! He proudly brought home a raspberry pie for this occassion.

This is the first time I have heard of Pi Day, but then again, I didn't run in crowds that enjoyed reading quantum physics books for recreation.

But honestly, I don't see how this hasn't caught on. We got a pie today! And it's educational! On March 14th, 2015 at 9:26am (and 53 seconds), we will do a real Pi Day celebration.

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