Friday, January 1, 2010

Kountdown to Kara: Part 2 and Happy New Year!

I'm not sure what everyone else did for New Year's Eve, but we were preparing for the arrival of our little one. We've been working through the process of choosing a color for her room (getting input from both grandmothers and looking at the colors at various times of day) during the past weeks, and yesterday we settled on a color - Practical Beige. Another piece of preparation was the selection of a ceiling fan. This selection was actually made some time in August and the fan has been sitting on the floor since then.

Today, we are about an hour of painting away from being done with the room setup (save the stuff organization and hanging of pictures). My parents came up yesterday and helped us get things rolling (figuratively and literally). My dad and I installed the ceiling fan while Ashley and my mom picked out paint and started cutting in the room. By 12:30 AM, Jan 1, 2010, we had a mostly painted room that was lit by the lights of a new ceiling fan.

And since this is a somewhat boring post, here is a picture of Ashley at 36 weeks.


The Floyds January 2, 2010 at 6:25 AM  

i literally cried when i saw your picture! you look so beautiful. i must see you in person. :) miss you. will call soon.

**excited about kara's arrival in 2010!!!!**

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