Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Public Adventures

Kara and I were going to Janie and Jack to return an impulse buy that I made. I'm not sure how I convinced myself that 3 articles of baby clothing were worth over $100, but I did.
Before we went into the store, I noticed Kara had a particular odor about her which needed some immediate attention. So, I laid her down in the back of the Subaru and started changing her diaper. While going through the usual struggle of trying to keep her still and not getting poo all over my hands, she managed to squirm away and pull herself to a standing position. At which time she tinkled all over her pants and her shoes (not to mention the Subaru).
Of course I didn't have a change of clothes for her. Why would I? This hasn't happened since she was 4 months old. The only other clothes we had were the ones I was about to return, and those weren't an option. So, as Kara and I headed to the store, she was only wearing her shirt and a diaper. This would have been ok at Wal-Mart, but did I mention we were in Highland Village...posh Houston shopping center?
Well, I returned my impulse buy, and the woman behind the counter was nice enough not to ask whether I wanted to exchange the items instead for a pair of pants for my half-naked baby. Very tactful of her.


stephanie February 9, 2011 at 7:44 PM  

Oh my! One time I drove to Houston with my parents for dinner and Maggie had an epic accident. She wore a t-shirt of SJ's that we found in their Excursion. Talk about classy :) I felt like the most unprepared {and horribly embarrassed!} mom of all time.

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