Sunday, November 6, 2011

What kept me up tonight

It's late, or really early, depending on how you look at it. And this is one of the few times that I have had something on my mind that has kept me from sleeping.

Since the beginning of November, I have been reading lots of online updates and posts from different people about Thankfulness. Some of them are fairly obvious, like the weather is awesome or God gave me wonderful kids, but in general I feel I struggle to be truly thankful for the things God gave us. I find that in my heart I really do love to complain and dispute, the very thing God tells us not to do. I find myself perturbed when things don't go my way or anxious when things are out of my control.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 -- Give thanks in ALL circumstances...; Ephesians 5:20 -- Giving thanks always and for everything...; the list of Bible verses tugging on my heart to be thankful is really long. So, as this seems pretty important to God to teach us, it must be a lesson worth putting effort into.

Furthermore, how do I teach Kara about true thankfulness when I'm only thankful for the obvious good things? Reminding her to say "tank tou" when someone gives her candy isn't going to cut it. But learning to depend on God's sovereignty and praise Him for His grace are heart changes that should happen in myself before I can pass them on to her.

So, here is a small list of thanks for things I'm usually not thankful for...
1. For waking me up in the middle of the night to think about things that are good
2. For giving me the ability to care for dogs who need daily exercise and attention
3. For giving me the opportunities (several) to train up my child in discipline and righteousness
4. For giving me the chance to serve my family through daily chores of cleaning and cooking
5. For giving me the circumstances that made me seek God, even if those circumstances still exist
6. For creating me with a personality that primarily values authenticity in relationships
7. For moments of teaching when I can admit my lack of control over this world
8. For the opportunities to show Kara how much I love her starting as early in the day as she lets me
9. For giving me a husband who is deliberate and wise about not rushing into decisions
10. For seasonal allergies (I can't think of a nice way to put this)


Jessie November 6, 2011 at 12:23 PM  

Great post Ashley! Something I could really work on too.

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