Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Conversations with Kara

Three years old seems to be about the age when children are consistently saying hilarious stuff.  Every time Kara says something to make me laugh I think, "That's so cute.  I'll never forget it."  Then I typically forget it by the time Lee gets home from work...and that makes me sad. 

Solution.  The best way to remember something is to write it down.  So begins Conversations with Kara.

Me during our Bible study: Who was the woman that was kind to Naomi?
Kara: I don't know.
Me: It starts with R-R-R.
Kara: R-R-R--Canada.

Me while driving home:  Wow, look how pretty the lake is today (then I realize we have never seen this lake before).
Kara: Mom, you're lost.

Super Star!


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