Thursday, July 30, 2009

This is Genius!!!

Would you be happier with more M&M's in your life? I probably would be. So, how do you get those tasty little "melt in your mouth, not in your hand" morsels for free? Win a contest!

We have all taken part in a "Guess the amount of M&Ms in the jar" contest. But could you ever do more than give a random guess? Well, now you can. The guy from made a video on how to shark the M&Ms game by using science and math! I have never found these 2 subjects more interesting or exciting. Finally, practical application!

Here's what you need to know:

  • Volume of the container being used (mL)
  • Volume of 1 M&M (happens to be ~0.715mL) -- using volume formula for ellipsiods
  • Packing fraction of M&Ms (66.5%) -- yes, there was a published study done on this
If you have a 1 liter container, how many M&Ms would it hold?
(1000mL/0.715)x0.665 = 930M&Ms

If you would like more of an explanation go to this link, it will take you to the video on

Good luck! And if you do win a contest, remember it is always nice to share with those who helped you.


The Floyds July 30, 2009 at 8:41 PM  

FANTASTIC!!! I am attending 1 bridal shower, 1 baby shower and 1 bachelorette party in the next 2 weeks!!! maybe ther will be a "guess the m&ms" game!!! :)

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